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Never Ask a Poet !


Never ask a poet about the daylight ,

How the dawn rises early

How the sun kills you with its warmness

How you can see the half paths remaining in the past where you first left them

That vision where your eyes start to sparkle and you feel more alive than ever


Never ask a poet about the days that go from the deepest twilights all covered in pity , a lonely moon drowned in a plain lake burned alive with the flames of a fallen star

like a permanent shadow of a repentant woman


Never ask a poet how sad is the world

How his pain holds the name of autumn

Like a fallen angel lost in a world he can't fit in

His pieces distributed everywhere and you can hear his scream carved as a chapter in a sad book


Most importantly , never ask a poet about love

It breaks your heart,

leaks like a sin over a rainbow full of colours

Suicidal seasons shine from the innocent spirits and gods knocked down until forever.


Agron Shele



Agron Shele was born in October 7th, 1972, in Albania. Is the author of the following literary works: “The Steps of Clara” (Novel), “Beyond a grey curtain” (Novel), “Wrong Image” (Novel) , “Innocent Passage” (Poetry) and “Ese-I ” Agron Shele is President of the International Poetical Galaxy “Atunis”. 




Entre les gestes provisoires

et l'entrée du soir

se dresse l'émouvant

le goût des sagesses

et la source du lieu


j'exagère ce poème

pour la conquête

de l'histoire des peurs

les miracles de l'innocence

la danse des arbres

et le chant du matin


dès l'éveil du jour

de ce temps immobile

la lumière caressse

les rêves de l'enfance

douce errance

dans le parfum

des fleurs endormies




Huguette Bertrand – 2018


Bertrand, Huguette (Canada) Poète et éditrice, Huguette Bertrand a publié 37 ouvrages de poésie dont six (6) ouvrages en collaboration avec des artistes en art visuel et photographie. De nombreux textes ont également paru dans des revues et anthologies au Québec, Belgique, France, U.S.A, Pays de Galles, Roumanie, Inde, de même que dans des revues en ligne. Certains poèmes ont été traduits en arabe, roumain, italien, coréen, japonais. www.espacepoetique.com https://www.facebook.com/huguette.bertrand.9 




Plongée matinale dans le silence
La semaine de Fausta s'ouvre dans la brume

Elle dépose à ses pieds

Sa hache de guerre

Effleurant d'une pensée
les ailes endormies
de l'ange noir

 Ce fauve
 Lové dans sa forge

" S’éveillant chaque fois plus loin dans la lumière
Plus près du feu
Plus bas dans l'eau mortelle des ténèbres (...) 1

Comme lui, Elle s'est sentie grandir
" À devenir ciel"2

Un éclat doré

 Balafre le plafond

La vie a repris son souffle
après une douloureuse apnée.



Au loin, bien loin

Elle le sait

La joie demeure à l’horizon



Cède enfin au canal étoilé

Laisse couler sa lumière.


Mar Thieriot

 (Extrait de mon dernier ouvrage Fausta, la dernière-née de la pluie, Éditions Amalthée, France, 2018)


1,2, Gilbert-Lecomte Roger La Vie l'Amour la Mort le Vide et Le Vent in L'aile d'endormir p. 73 Gallimard, 1977, France


Thiériot, Mar (Canada/Brésil) Mar Thieriot est née en 1965 au Brésil issue de cultures brésilienne et française, Docteure en Éducation, culture et société, elle est auteure de nombreux ouvrages de philosophie et de poésie. Elle a rédigé un roman poétique dernièrement Fausta où elle concrétise ses recherches sur les interrelations entre la femme, l’intelligence, la beauté et le mal, interrelations qu’elle interroge et qui demandent un approfondissement. https://marianathieriot.com/ www.marianathieriot.com 

Making Light out of Darkness


in a world always half in darkness

your body may be soaked deep

in a nightmare, rotting


but your heart can roam

like a synchronous satellite

in the outer space, leaving

the long night far behind


as long as your heart flies fast

and high enough, you will live


in light forever


Yuan Changming



Yuan Changming, ten-time Pushcart and three-time Best of the Net nominee, published monographs on translation before leaving China. With a Canadian PhD in English, Changming currently edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Yuan in Vancouver; credits include Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17), BestNewPoemsOnline, Threepenny Review and 1,429 others worldwide.


yuan changming @ Poetry Pacific


Souvenir barbelé


Le souvenir est barbelé

il érafle la page et saigne

couleur d'encre de seiche sur l'aube du papier


Calcinée la mémoire pourtant

aveugle sous le fil des mots

tend ses racines et tord ton coeur d'aubier


ton coeur fragile qui s'écoule

des lèvres de la plume

et trace la dentelle du poème à venir


La page est sage et donne à lire

des mots et des images

mais sous le flux de la mémoire


une autre histoire palpite encore

et toujours, sous les sutures, les coutures,


redessine la plaie aux lèvres jamais soudées.



Marlyne Bertoncini


Bertoncini, Marilyne (France) Marilyne Bertoncini, poète, traductrice, co-directrice de la revue Recours au Poème. Ses travaux sont publiés dans diverses revues françaises et internationales. Dernières publications : La Dernière Oeuvre de Phidias, Jacques André éditeur, 2017; L'Anneau de Chillida, L'Atelier du Grand Tétras (à paraître, mai 2018) http://minotaura.unblog.fr/a-propos-de-moi/ http://www.recoursaupoeme.fr/













「お傍に」・「至上の時」・ 「また あいましょう」









Mariko Sumikura 



Nome su una bottiglia di profumo

Una poesia in una parola

Due parole lo rendono un dramma


Mese di maggio!

Verde fuori

Da sola gioco con piccole bottiglie

Per ingannare  il tempo


Requête, Mon Ame, L'Air du Temps

Soir de fête, Imprudence, Magie

Près du coeur, Moment Supreme, Je reviens


Sigillare la propria passione in parole.

È un vizio? Se è così

Accetterò la mia punizione

E eseguirò il verdetto: Dimenticare!


Mariko Sumikura


                         罪人) Tradotto da Lidia Chiarelli


Sumikura, Mariko (Japan) Poet, essayist, Mariko Sumikura was born in Kyoto, Graduated from Ristumeikan University. Representative of Japan Universal Poets Association, Chief-in-editors of online international journal "Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi" and JUNPA BOOKS. Main publication: Kokoro Kaoru Hito; Yume Tsumugu Hito; Hikari Oru Hito; Ai Matou Hito; Tsuchi daku Masurao. http://www.ama-hashi.com/














満月の光がさしたとき 川辺に出て


数々の星に 魂のあとを 残してきた



一番遠い 旅なのだ



何度も繰り返し 色を作り出す


わたしはひとつひとつ 色をキャンパスに重ね

一番最後に わたしの色を見つける

あらゆる 色の世界をさまよい 最期に

わたしの奥の色がある ユートピアにつく


わたしの声は 遠いはるかに 夜空に響いた。



「どこに あなたはいるの?」

という問いかけは涙のように 幾年の川の流れとなり

「ここにわたしがいる」という 答えの海となり

アートの世界へと 突入していく



To Paint a Starry Night

I put my heart and my soul into my work,

and have lost my mind in the process.

--Vincent van Gogh

The journey of my art is long;

That path is far away.


When the light of the full moon shone, I went out to the riverside,

Beyond the galaxies of the universe;

I have left behind traces of my soul in various stars.


The journey that returns to the real me

Is the longest journey.


To bring out the color of the night sky,

I mix colors over and over.

One by one, I layer colors on canvas

At the very last, I discover my color

Wandering about the world of all colors, in the end

I reach the utopia where the color deep within me exists


My voice echoed distantly in the night sky:

“At last I met you!”

The question, “Where are you?”

Like tears, becomes the current of a river of years

It becomes the sea of the answer, “I am here!”

I am entering the world of art.




Maki Starfield 


Starfield, Maki (Japan) Maki Starfield was born in Japan where she studied English and American literature, teaching and business, with further work in Canada. She has published poems, haikus and translations in JUNPA publications http://www.ama-hashi.com




An ego does not care; the death of the ego will be,

What more is less, when less is more

Love is that you remain standing

Being awake is better than my dreams

This life that I only have one chance,

Never to be seen again, and will only exist in memory

Though somewhat a self surrender of pain

I feel your secret act, your intimate fire;

Anxiety and fear of death no more exists,

Because lots of time has already been spent

And look closely when you do

Take my hand and lead me down the road

The beginning of your real life.


© Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta “Mewadev”, Banda (U.P. - India)



Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta “Mewadev” is award winner of the Phrasal King Arbind Choudhary National Poetry Award- 2018(India). He is also Ambassador of Humanity and manager of the organization named Hafrikan Prince Art World (HPAW - It is a brand name of the promotion of contemporary art) in the service of promoting the safety of humanity through art and culture. He is also III° "SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE WORLD UNION OF POETS" OF THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD UNION OF POETS FOR THE YEAR 2018. He is founder president of “CONTEMPORARY LITERARY SOCIETY OF AMLOR – BANDA (U.P. - India). He is editor, translator and reviewer par excellence. He resides at Banda (U.P.), India. 





Kindergarten, Alphabet Variations



We are ARRANGING a future space


A space within a BUBBLE 


Tiny and transient, thousands like it, CANDID sunshine


DESIST darkness of belonging


ENCIRCLING layers of radiant shades




Neither the GLOW, neither the darkness


HIDDEN in us, we belong to


This time of IMMEMORIAL moments


A JAR made up of transparent bright


The seeds of KNOWLEDGE


LUSH green, lush green


MARINE depth of being…


NOTHING,                        almost nothing


But the OBLIVIOUS presence of us,




QUARTERS of unseen time






 Of a TAINTED silence, suddenly we want to live


UNCONDITIONAL, in this making of sentences


A VAGUE perception of actually nothing alike


Those sweet aroma of tiffin’s, WELCOMING


An unknown X







Niladri Mahajan



Links- 1.  https://www.facebook.com/adiffusedroom/

           2. https://www.facebook.com/niladri.mahajan

An award winning poet and a computational biologist, Niladri Mahajan

lives in Kolkata, India with his mother. He is also a painter and musician

with a strong inclination towards cinema and photography. In his past time


he practices as a counseling psychologist.




Life’s Blues


Someday, when the time shall come for me to hold on to ropes

And to let myself be hoisted up

Up to where I have always claimed to crave for


I shall look back on my life

Regret the steps that I didn't take, out of fear

Regret the pain I caused, out of resentment

Regret the pleasures I didn't experience, acting out of stricture

Regret the time I've wasted, simply because I was too focused

Regret the money I didn't spend, because I feared for the future

Regret the broods that filled me up, as I was eaten by a false ego

Regret for not standing up to my points, fearing the looks that shall be shed on me

Regret for not calling those who wanted to hear me, as I was too busy

Regret the darkness that I enveloped myself with, as I had no hope in hope!


Pray, I shall still let myself be hoisted up

While letting my conscience hammer on me

That I didn't live as I should have

That, maybe, if given another chance

I could love life

And help life love me in return

But then,

Shall it be worth it

Shall it be ever be worth it?


When life is itself a moment spent immersed in a virtual realism

Which we, submerged by our senses,

Deem as being real

When the switch is to be turned off

When the screen is to be lifted off our eyes

Pray, is it worth living it


And are regrets worth shouldering?


Anoucheka Gangabissoon



Anoucheka Gangabissoon is a Primary School Educator in Mauritius.  She writes poetry and short stories as hobby.  She considers writing to be the meaning of her life as she has always been influenced by all the great writers and wishes to be, like them, immortalized in her words.  Her works can be read on poetrysoup.com and she had also appeared in various literary magazines like SETU, Different Truths, Dissident Voice, In Between Hangovers Press.  She has also been published in Duane’s Poetree and also in two anthologies for the Immagine and Poesia group.  Her poems are often placed in free online contests.

God’s Invitation

Welcome, welcome my children
under the huge umbrella!
I shelter the underfed, the overfed, the healthy

Breathe, breathe my children
without fear!
Air is free


Drink, drink my children
pure water from newly-born rivers!
They will quench your thirst,
sustain your life – your inquisitiveness

Walk, walk my children
head held up high with honesty!
The earth is an anchor for all feet
The world is yours

Feel, feel my children
the warmth of fire!
They’ll connect you instantly
to the sparks of your soul, all-immortal

Rest, rest my children
under the peaceful tree!
Pluck the fruits, the results –
your freedom, your birth rights.

Vatsala Radhakeesoon


Radhakeesoon, Vatsala (Mauritius) Vatsala Radhakeesoon is a published Mauritian author/poet. She writes poems and short stories for adults and children. Her works mainly center on emotional issues, social facts, historical facts, spiritual quest and childhood innocence. https://www.amazon.com/author/vatsalaradhakeesoon1710





Shall I lighten up your weighted soul with my hearty jokes,

Drawing a veil behind my searing pains?


Or dab this Mississippi of tears meandering on your sullen face,

When last dusk my heart drowned in the ocean spilled from my eyes?


Why should I pat you on the back with my burnt palm to cheer you to the peak,

When I came on a tremulous ladder with broken, ragged rungs?


Why beg me for a morsel of bread,

When crumbs are all I could gather — you're just a little hungrier than I do?


Shall I drop this cent in your beggarly palms,

When I drenched in sweat to save only a dime?


Why should I care about your heart,

When the broken mine is still in the cobbler's shop?


Tell me why I should write you poems,

When like yoked cows, creativity burdens and cuts ridges of arts on my weary neck?


How will humanity thrives in we vessels of clay,

When we hold from sharing ourselves for ourselves?


Tell me?


                                                                Adesina Ajala


Ajala, Adesina (Nigeria) Adesina Ajala is a Nigerian medical doctor with interest in creative writing. He desires to be the pride of the scalpel and the hope of the pen. https://www.facebook.com/adesina.ajala 




No one borrows a breath

Unless his life is an open grave

of burning flowers,

of buried books with empty pages...

unless he sees the world at a glance:

the heaven as an empty room

pleading for a sun at dawn,

the earth as a stage where actors act without scripts;

a vast of viod like an empty ocean,

& a storm of dead wind.


No one borrows a breath

Unless his life is an open grave

of burning flowers,

of buried books with empty pages.

Unless he sees his neighbour tearing

his identity at a public street,

a countryman pleading for a pass at every port,

another blackened in an open desert;

a passerby begging heaven out of him,

and a government starting a war of no end.


No one borrows a breath

until he requests for a name

given not by a clergy,

an identity given not by a country,

a country given not by birth,

a birth engraved not with silence...


He therefore finds a birth

in his body not his color,

a name in his soul not his race,

a country in his sweat,

& an identity in his history written

not by his pen but his...






Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon


Olajuwon, Timileyin Gabriel (Nigeria) Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon hails from Osun State, Nigeria. His poems have appeared in poetry journals, magazines and anthologies. He is the brain behind Muse for World Peace Anthology and the author of Call for Retreat 2013, The Muse 2017 and Apeke and other poems 2017– collections of poems. http://worldpoetry.ca/?tag=timileyin-gabriel-olajuwon






"Every home a gallery. 

Every window a canvas."

says the Window Fashions corner at Costco.

For an idle poet munching on a

100% kosher beef hot-dog under a red and

white beach-parasol with no sun,

no sand, no bikinis around,

the two lines represented a glimmer of hope.

The unending procession of

shopping carts piled high with paper towels,

toilet paper, laundry detergents

and dishwashing liquids

along with crates of clamshell strawberries,

20 pound bags of dog chow,

keeps her wondering what their gallery would look like

and what kind of canvases would be hanging.

Will they make it all the way to the museum?



Kyung-Nyun Richards


Richards, Kyung-Nyun (U.S.A./ S-Korea) Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards is a poet, essayist, and award-winning translator of Korean literature. Bilingual and biliterate in both Korean and English. She writes in both languages. Her publications include four volumes of translations; two collections of original poems : Vision Test and From East to West, poetry, as co-author, Edition En Marge, Canada, 2017. http://koreanliteraturenow.com/translator/profile/kyung-nyun-kim-richards http://library.klti.or.kr/taxonomy/term/5681







































蔡澤民博士  原著  (by Dr. Tzemin Ition Tsai)



One Mile of Sharp Stone Road


Yesterday, that night is not yet to come

I have already departed

Through the secret woods

Small rugged paths across the mountain stream

Gravels rustling at the foot

Roadside flowers, I count it clearly

With the beauty of golden chrysanthemum

Finished the sharp stone road

To meet the man who stole my dream


Later, the old moon

was desperately lighting up the road for me

These sharp stones relentlessly through my soles

Embraced this clear pain deep in my heart

Lifted the remaining drop of courage

Drank a full breeze and mist

My old yellow dog, accompanied me, to speed up our journey

Dream to return or not

O, one Mile of Sharp Stone Road


With the breath of frost

From the bottom of my heart, looking forward to return to my sweet home

Can’t care how confused my heart

Escaped from how many night-moth’s peeps

My heart has really a fear of

what waiting at the end of the trail is

having nothing in it

My heart has really a fear of

what waiting at the start of that road is

that will never find the dream back again



 Dr. Tzemin Ition Tsai(蔡澤民博士)


Tsai, Tzemin Ition (Taiwan) Dr. Tzemin Ition Tsai (蔡澤民博士) was born in Taiwan, R.O.C. He is an associate professor at Asia University (Taiwan), The chief editor of “Reading, Writing and Teaching” academic text. https://www.facebook.com/tzemintsai






the gardens of fears


when its night time murderers come to the garden of fears

to swing on the swings

they get on the danger-slides  and slide away

they jump thru the terror-hoop

and dig in the sand pile of regrets

as if to bury their murders there

each time swearing this is the last time

but ah once the full moon rises

and if the owls are hooting too

their hands begin to grow huge

glitter of knives are in their eyes

gun-darkness settles on their faces

vapours invade the garden of fears

the howl of wolves here and there

the dogs are smelling blood

murderers drop in to swing on the swings



yeşim ağaoğlu


Agaoglu, Yesim (Turkey) Yesim Agaoglu was born in Istanbul. She took her undergraduate degree from Istanbul University in Art History and Archaeology, then a Master’s in Radio, TV and Cinema. Her poems have appeared in various anthologies, and her published books of poetry have been translated into many languages. She frequently participates in international literary and poetry festivals, as well as gaining recognition internationally as a contemporary artist. http://yesimpoetry.blogspot.ca/p/other-languages.html http://www.yesimart.blogspot.com


That Sliver of Nothingness

(for David Campagna)




O you, who are so distant,

yet so intimate in

your silent possession of me— Am I loving the unknown, rather than you?



Is it the distance we keep that breeds our intimacy?



O unknown one, why does your voice hold such richness—

a richness that brightens

my waning heart?



O breath of life,

am I searching for the stars of a dream never to be?



Is there only this oblivion outside of death?



Lurch me from the shadows

that leach my life.



Take me, embrace me

in that sliver of nothingness


that for a moment, can feel so complete.


Carolyn Mary Kleefeld


That Sliver of Nothingness” first appeared in “The Divine Kiss: An Exhibit of Paintings and Poems in Honor of David Campagna,” co- published by Cross-Cultural Communications and The Seventh Quarry Press in 2014 and in a trilingual English/Italian/Sicilian edition by Cross- Cultural Communications and Legas Publishing in 2018.


Kleefeld, Carolyn Mary (U.S.A.) Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, artist, poet, author, lives in Big Sur, CA. Author of 19 books, her writings have been translated into over 7 languages and have been used in University classes and healing centers worldwide. Her art appears internationally in galleries, museums, and private collections. http://www.carolynmarykleefeld.com/



Meeting Michelangelo


Enter into the divine, the sublime, the mystery of line

Oozing red chalk and black dust

The giving of paper to figures floating and yet anchored in space

An intimate look at a genius mind

Breathing living souls onto pages one after another

Limbs turned upside down and sideways

Visual beginnings, thinking out loud

Studies of toes, eyes, and heads and feet

Last, look up to a ceiling of profound meaning

A cascade of colors

A spiritual biblical journey


Walk away privileged and fulfilled


Marsha Solomon


Solomon, Marsha (USA) Marsha Solomon has been living and working as a painter and a poet in New York. Her work has been presented in museums and galleries in the US and Europe, and has been the subject of six solo exhibitions. http://www.marshasolomon.com http://www.marshasolomon.com/Tapestry/about_me.html



Second Marriage: Renewal of Faith in Love

for Bob and Bobby, August 7, 2017


there can be no doubt 

for poor souls two plants 

come recommended

the laurel-leaved rock rose

greets the south-west wind

with a lavish out-pouring of fragrance …

as it grows old, here and there,

a branch breaks

but its old age is neither untidy

nor unsightly, but dignified


the gum rockrose, more tender

may be even more beautiful …

do we regret that its flowers

are so short-lived?

many expand in the morning

to fall at noon

at dusk only by a white pool

of fallen petals on the ground

may we know how fair and full


was the flower at forenoon


Neal Whitman



Neal Whitman is professor emeritus of the University of Utah School of Medicine.  He began writing of his own poetry in 2005, adding haiku in 2008 and tanka in 2011. Whitman’s poems are widely published in journals and anthologies and his work has been recognized by the World Congress of Poets. Neal Whitman is the haiku editor for Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine, and he is on the editorial board of the Romanian Haiku Society and vice president of the United Haiku and Tanka Society. 




Transfigurer est un pays que tu aimes.

Mourir est un pays que tu aimais.

Yves Bonnefoy

Tu trafiques avec des noms,

les pactes et les ombres

couds et découds

                l'anatomie fragile

maquilles la voix et l'accent,

incarnes le repos et la rafale 

laves la désolation prédestinée

et  l'habilles de joie

qui erre dans la nuit,

tu diminues le sommeil jusqu'à l'éveil,

unis la brume et la lumière

dans la communion d'un ciel de plomb,

humidifies la peau

pour masquer les symptômes de la sécheresse,

tu congèles et fais bouillir le coeur

selon le climat que tu veut posséder.


Tu pervertis la dureté

  jusqu'à la blessure


qui ouvre ta main.




c'est un pays que tu aimes.

Mariela Cordero



Mariela Cordero est une poète et artiste visual vénézuélienne. Sa poésie a été publiée dans de nombreuses anthologies et magazines littéraires à travers le monde. Elle écrit en espagnol, anglais et français. Elle a gagné quelques distinctions, telles que: Troisième prix de poésie Alejandra Pizarnik (Argentine) Premier Prix micropoésie en castillan (Espagne).Premier Prix ibéro-américain Poésie Euler Granda (Equateur). Deuxième prix de Poésie TraccePer La Meta (Italie) Premier Prix International de Poésie Anniversaire des Poètes Hispaniques (Espagne).





Khi âm thanh biến mất,
Cả không gian được thắp sáng bởi đôi mắt,
Kim đồng hồ ngừng quay,
Chuyển động duy nhất là hơi thở,
Và con tim như múa nhảy,
Cho buổi đầu,... ta biết em./.



All sounds seemed to be stopped crying abruptly,

The room’s space was lighted by the eyes,

The clock on the wall was also stopped,

The only movement was the breath,

And the heart was dancing in the chest,

For I saw you,... at the first time.


 Xuan Tan Trinh


(Hcm city – Viet Nam), Apr-25-2018.


Trinh, Xuan Tan (Vietnam) Xuan Tan Trinh is a poet living in Vietnam and is a member of Gogyoshi Poetry Groups : Vietnam, Japan, Singapore. https://www.facebook.com/xuantan.trinh.5